Available courses

The Community Action Marin Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification Training, approved by CALMHSA, is devoted to providing education and support to those who self-identify as having experience with the process of recovery from a mental illness or substance use disorder, either as a consumer of these services or as the parent, caregiver, or family member of a consumer with a mental health condition. This serves as a pathway to employment/volunteer positions within the public mental health system, after subsequently taking and passing the Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification exam.

Participants learn behavioral health skills covering the 17 Peer Specialist core competencies as identified by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). Topics covered include the recovery model, communication skills, trauma-Informed care, cultural competency, Medi-Cal code of ethics and more. Those who complete the 80-hour training will receive a certificate of completion that will be submitted in their application to sit for the Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification Exam. 

El Community Action Marin Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification Training, aprobado por CALMHSA, se dedica a proporcionar educación y apoyo a aquellos que se auto-identifican como tener experiencia con el proceso de recuperación de una enfermedad mental o trastorno por uso de sustancias, ya sea como consumidor de estos servicios o como padre, cuidador o miembro de la familia de un consumidor con una condición de salud mental. Esto sirve como vía de acceso a puestos de empleo/voluntariado dentro del sistema público de salud mental, tras realizar y aprobar posteriormente el examen de Certificación de Especialista en Apoyo de Pares de Medi-Cal.

Los participantes aprenden habilidades de salud conductual que cubren las 17 competencias básicas de Especialista de Pares identificadas por el Departamento de Servicios de Atención Médica (DHCS). Los temas cubiertos incluyen el modelo de recuperación, habilidades de comunicación, atención informada sobre traumas, competencia cultural, código de ética de Medi-Cal y más. Aquellos que completen el entrenamiento de 80 horas recibirán un certificado de finalización que se presentará en su solicitud para rendir el Examen de Certificación de Especialista en Apoyo de Pares de Medi-Cal.

A CDA is an early childhood education certification offered by the CDA Council for Professional Recognition. The meaning of CDA is "Child Development Associates Credential." Also called an ECE certificate or certificate in early childhood development, a CDA is a great first step along your early childhood career.

This course will guide participants through the steps necessary to become a CDA. 

Person-Centered Coaching (PCC) aims to empower people to take control of their lives by recognizing their power to change, grow, and achieve the goals they set for themselves.

Through the PCC learning series, coached will learn to: 

  • Recognize and navigate their own biases. Lead a curious coaching conversation

  • Create the conditions for their participants to achieve long-term change

  • Balance holding space for the participant's humanity and holding accountability to their goals

  • Give control of the session to the participant

-Sankofa Leadership

Training for all supervisory staff 

Training for direct service staff

Training for staff not involved in direct service or supervisory roles. 

Onboarding for all new staff at CAM.